LIVE 3000

Et si on montait à 3000m pour découvrir une autre facette de la montagne en été ?

Accessible from the summit of Roche de Mio via the new Glaciers gondola, you will ascend comfortably and enjoy the view of the glaciers from the magnificent panoramic terrace at the top.

For hiking enthusiasts, this promises to be a delightful outing where relaxation, contemplation, and sensory pleasure await.

Additionally, we have prepared new trails and a new activity: Aérolive.

Mountain Cart

On your carts... get set... GO!!!

The Mountain Cart can be enjoyed by all.

Whether you're seeking a leisurely outing or an adrenaline-filled adventure, take a ride down the slopes with family or friends. Experience this thrilling activity in both Plagne Centre and Montalbert. No booking required.

📍 Access:

  • Colorado chairlift in Plagne Centre

  • Montalbert gondola in Montalbert

Try the downhill slopes in La Plagne

Mountain biking at your own pace and ability

It's the perfect location to learn or perfect your downhill mountain biking skills. Race down the various fun trails of different difficulty levels with friends or family, ranging from beginner to expert, featuring a variety of jumps and obstacles.